[Saint Laurence]

St. Laurence’s Roman Catholic Church

Diocese of East Anglia
Registered Charity No. 278742

Parish Priest:

91 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XB
Tel: 01223 704640
Email: office@saintlaurence.org.uk
Office opening times: 10am−3pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Rev. Geoffrey Cook

Parish action areas − June 2022

Following the ‘Synodal process’ discussions in the Parish, we are particularly looking for volunteers or participants in the following four action areas.

Organising social activities

We need people to join a team that will get Parish social activities going over the next year.

Yes, I would like to help organise social activities for 2022.

Outreach, communication, and welcome

Can we communicate better about St Laurence’s to the community in north Cambridge and our villages, and welcome more people into our church? E.g., by making and distributing a Parish brochure, improving our online presence, making the church feel more welcoming, and outreach to areas of new housing. We’d like to put a team together for 6-9 months to work on this. Do you have relevant skills or ideas?

Yes, I would like to help outreach, communication, and welcome

Adult religious education and faith sharing

We would like to get groups going in the Parish for adults to develop, discuss, and share their faith.

I would like to help organise education, faith sharing, or discussion groups

I may be interested in participating in any groups that are organised.

Helping out around the Parish

We are always looking for new volunteers to help keep Parish life running. Please check the Ministries page and get in touch with any groups or activities where you could help. Particularly urgent at the moment are the following:

I could help with Children’s Liturgy

I could help to oversee maintenance tasks around the church and grounds

If you have ticked any boxes above – thank you! Please give us your contact details:


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